In Passion of Tasty life

In Passion of Tasty life

Glutenfree banana bread with blueberry

2019. május 06. - In Passion of Tasty Life

I have already made a recipe from banana bread but when you don't have some ingredients you have to replace then voala there is a new one and I am really satisfied. It's not the classic vegan one, cause I use lactosefree milk products but actually I like this even more.



So what you need for 3 loafs of bread: 

- 5 bananas

- 330 ml lactosefree sour cream or kefir

- 200 g lactosefree butter

- 100 ml grapeseed oil

- 1 cup almond flour

- 1 cup buckwheat flour

- 1 cup Schär Farina mix

- 2 tablespoon psyllium seed husks

- 7 tablespoon agave or other sweetener

- 1 package of baking powder

- 300g blueberry

- 200 g dark chocolate ( 75- 80 %)

- 4 eggs

- pinch of salt

And we can start to make it:

1. I mix with a blender the room temperature butter, agave and eggs. When its smooth, I add the sour cream, flours, oil, baking powder, salt and the smashed banana in the end. 

2. I mix gently  the blueberries with a spatula, then I pour the pastry in the form and randomly put the chocolate on the top of the pastry. 

3. I put them in the preheated oven ca 40 min on 180 Celsius.

4. Let chill a little bit before you remove it from the mold. And voala done :)



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