In Passion of Tasty life

In Passion of Tasty life

Best glutenfree Strudel, Croissant & Tortilla recipe

2020. május 27. - In Passion of Tasty Life

If you have gluten intolerance, you exactly know how hard is to make soft pastry which is not dry for the next day... so here it is 3in1 recipe yes you CAN make tortilla for dinner or brekkie and Strudel or croissant aaand the good new is it all take 30min. sooo reaady...



The basic recipe: (if U make 3 of them than the portion will be 3 times more)

- 200 g Miklos universal flour mix ( from Auchan)

- half coffee spoon baking soda

- 2 tablespoon grapeseed oil ( or other type of oil )

- pinch of salt

- 300ml sour cream or kefir

for the croissant and strudel:

- half package of baking powder



Kneed well the ingredients, then divide the dough for 4 part before you roll out. 

When you make Tortilla after rolling out the dough you can fry them in a pan on a small amount of butter. The size equal like crepes, you get 6 pieces from this amount.





- 1kg cottage cheese 

- 2 tablespoon mascarpone

- lemonpeel

- xilit (optional the quantity)

- cranberry

 If you make the Strudel then divide the dough for 4 part before you roll out.Then on each layer spread a little butter which makes the pastry softer.Topped each layer on eachother, then spread the cottage cheese mixture on the right side and role it. Put it in a baking tin and use oil on the top of the Knudel then put into the preheated oven on 180 degree for 25-30 min.









- 15dkg grated cheese inside the croissant

- 5 dkg grated cheese top of the croissant

- 3 tablespoon mascarpone

- 1 egg ( beat th eggs)

- pinch of salt

 If you make the Croissant then divide the dough for 4 part before you roll out.Then on each layer spread a little butter which makes the pastry softer. Topped each layer on eachother, then cut triangle or thin pizza slices, put the cheese and mascarpone and salt mixture at the bottom, roll them, put in baking tin, egg wash all then spread cheese at the top. In a preheated oven on 180 degree bake them for about 25-30 min.





Enjoy them :)))))

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